Only Cover Story

February 2025Love SignsBy Judy Dykstra-Brown
January 2025A View From The Other SideBy William King
November 2024Encounters With HistoryBy Carolyn Kingson
October 2024The Treasures Of CosaláBy Carolyn Kingson
September 2024Chasing Special Energy – La Peña de BernalBy Ron DiMichele
August 2024An Intimate Encounter With Huichol ArtBy Judy Dykstra-Brown
July 2024Circus CircusBy Carolyn Kingson
June 2024Mother’s DayBy Sergio Casas
May 2024The Woman Who Changed The Tequila IndustryBy Jackie Kellum
April 2024The Hammock VendorBy Ron DiMichele
March 2024Blue and White FairytaleBy Sergio Casas
February 2024Poncho And The Moonlight SonataBy Michael McLaughlin
January 2024On the trail of a catastropheBy Carolyn Kingson
December 2023My Family’s Christmas PosadaBy Sergio Casas
November 2023Everybody KnowsBy Judy Dykstra-Brown
October 2023The Timeless Tradition of Mexican NovenasBy Karen BLUE
September 2023100+ Dogs Evacuated Due To WildfireBy Syd Sullivans and Christina Bennett
August 2023Princess Agnes Made a DifferenceBy Herbert Piekow
July 2023MEXICANS AND MEXICAN AMERICANS: Remarkable Lives and Unforgettable StoriesBy Herbert Piekow
June 2023The Toad KissBy Sergio Casas
May 2023The Wonderful World Of Red-Winged Blackbirds:Tiny Heralds Of SpringBy Lorin Swinehart
April 2023My Papá, The MusicianBy Sergio Casas
March 2023Take A Glimpse Beyond The GatesBy Judith Labadie
February 2023Love SignsBy Judy Dytstra-Brown
January 2023A New Year Philosophy 2023By Don Beaudreau
December 2022My First Christmas In MexicoBy Daria Hilton
November 2022Valuing Our Older Teachers Who Are Miracle WorkersBy Michael P. McManmon
October 2022Covid Wreaked Havoc on Folk ArtBy Marianne Carlson
September 2022A Winter Evening With A Dog And The Friendly Spirits Of The AnasaziBy Lorin Swinehart
August 2022Rain In The RavineBy Sergio Casas
July 2022The Brutal EndBy Herbert Piekow
June 2022I Remember . . . Well.By Judit Rajhathy
May 2022The Subtle Secrets of MaltaBy Carol L. Bowman
April 2022Slaying The Deer Slayers In Mexico: The Yaqui ExperienceBy Hayes Raitt
March 2022Where is Little Martin?By Sergio Casas
February 2022 A Village Street Party In MexicoBy Blue
January 2022Another New Year’s EveBy Patricia Hemingway
December 2021On Christmas Morn He CameBy Charles A. Baumhauer
November 2021“The Night of the Dead” – Lives on in Patzcuaro, MexicoBy Carol L. Bowman
October 2021El DoradoBy Robert Drynan
September 2021Understanding the Mexican FlagBy Herbert W. Piekow
August 2021The Magic Of LakesideBy Don Beaudreau
July 2021 Contempt By Robert Bruce Drynan
June 2021Pains, Trains and WildfiresBy Neil McKinnon
May 2021 The Miracle Monarchs Of Michoacan By Neil McKinnon
April 2021 The Daily Life Of Jesus Of Nazareth By Dr. Lorin Swinehart
March 2021 My Brother’s Angel By Steve Griffin
February 2021 And the Post Office Made Three By Margaret Van Every
January 2021 Why You Should Get A Cat In The New Year By Don Beaudreau
December 2020Stille NachtBy Robert B. Drynan
November 2020 Tranquility in the Pines, Terror in the Birch By Carol L. Bowman
October 2020 A Uniquely Mexican Holiday By Herbert W. Piekow
September 2020The Father of MexicoBy Herbert W. Piekow
August 2020Living Between Two WorldsBy Judy Dykstra-Brown
July 2020The Fifth Horseman Of The ApocalypseBy Dr. Lorin Swinehar
June 2020Jack: A Dog’s StoryBy Dr. Lorin Swinehart
May 2020Eternal StrangersBy Herbert W. Piekow
April 2020The Small Town That Produced A PresidentBy Dr. Lorin Swinehart
March 2020The Freshman RebellionBy Carol L. Bowman
February 2020THE CONQUEST OF MEXICO—Re-ExaminedBy Shep Lenchek
January 2020The Fable Of The Complainer Who Travelled A Long DistanceBy Neil McKinnon
December 2019An Old-Fashioned ChristmasBy Alvin Alexsi Currier
November 2019A Republican President Who Loved MexicoBy Prof. Michael Hogan
October 2019 Carlota, Mexico’s Lost Empress By Morgan Bedford
September 2019 Jungle Of Stone: The True Story of Two Men, Their Extraordinary Journey, and the Discovery of the Lost Civilization of the Maya Reviewed by Jeanine Kitchel
August 2019BOOK-ENDS OF REDEMPTION —Brazil to Portugal Transatlantic CrossingBy Carol L. Bowman
July 2019The Wilde MidwestBy Mark Sconce
June 2019Layla Visits the Shaman Don CuauhtémocBy Jeanine Kitchel
May 2019Cancer Can’t Take My SmileBy Brooke Gardner
April 2019The Risk & Reward Of Communicating IntimatelyBy Dr. Daniel Acuff Ph.D.
March 2019Judas, The Saint That Wasn’t

The Enigmatic Apostle Who Betrayed Jesus

By Dr. Lorin Swinehart
February 2019Harlow Shapley—A Profile in AstronomyBy Mark Sconce
January 2019Things I Did That SummerBy Margie Keane
December 2018When The Mississippi Flowed North: The 1811 New Madrid EarthquakeBy Dr. Lorin Swinehart
November 2018True GivingBy Margaret Van Every
October 2018TRAIL OF TEARS–A Tale of InjusticeBy Robert James Taylor
September 2018AN OJO CELEBRATION: The 75th Awards LuncheonBy Patsy Krakoff
August 2018Charlotte’s World-Wide WebBy Mark Sconce
July 2018BENITO JUAREZ—The Man Who Appointed Himself PresidentBy Herbert W. Piekow
June 2018“A” Is For AwesomeBy Kenneth Salzmann
May 2018On Becoming A CanadianBy Neil McKinnon
April 2018A Brief History Of Jews In MexicoBy Mel Goldberg
March 2018Hey, I Used To Be Somebody!By Sandy Olson
February 2018ADJUSTING TO MEXICO—Linked with PersonalityBy Dr. M.I. Ehrlich
January 2018We Must Not Forget Our PastCourtesy of Phyliss Ewing
December 2017Amahl And The Night VisitorsBy Barbara Hildt
November 2017Bip Attends A Dinner PartyBy Day Dobbert
October 2017The Theft Of HistoryBy Kelly Hayes-Raitt
September 2017The Confederate “Invasion” Of MexicoBy Robert Drynan
August 2017It Ain’t For Sissies!By Tom Nussbaum
July 2017Beauty Is SovereignBy Mark Sconce
June 2017Sipping A Sling In SingaporeBy Carol L. Bowman
April 2017The Lakeside’s “Mister Bojangles”By Tom Eck
March 2017LOVE AT LAKESIDE—Part 1By Sandy Olson
February 2017Abraham Lincoln And MexicoBy Dr. Michael Hogan
January 2017Jewish HumorBy Scott Aronowitz 
December 2016Who Is This Jesus?By Dr. Lorin Swinehart
November 2016 Dora And I By G. Martin Roman
October 2016A Most Conflicted PriestBy Herbert W. Piekow
September 2016Kokio: A Novel Based on the Life of Neill James (2016)By Karl Homann 
August 2016Torquemada And The Spanish InquisitionBy Dr. Lorin Swinehart 
July 2016CHOCOLATE and MEXICO—A Love AffairBy Herbert W. Piekow
June 2016Sky HighBy Chuck Pattinian
May 2016RuminationsBy Robert Drynan
April 2016The Many Faces Of EvaBy Carol L. Bowman
March 2016H.L.MENCKEN— Writer ProvocateurenckenBy Mark Sconce
February 2016“Tolstoyevsky”By M. Woland
January 2016Peso Economics ExplainedBy Ed Tasca
December 2015 Shepherds & Wise Men By Dr. Lorin Swinehart 
November 2015Delta LadyBy Harriet Hart
October 2015Monster!By Mark Sconce
September 2015The Soldier NunBy Herbert W. Piekow
August 2015A Woman In AjijicBy W. L. Mesusan
July 2015A Medal Of Honor Long OverdueBy Kelly Hayes-Raitt
June 2015¡SI SE PUEDE! 
(“Yes, we can!”)
By Dr. Lorin Swinehart 
May 2015EL OJO DEL LAGO—In the beginning were the wordsDale Hoyt Palfrey
April 2015 Mexican Runaway Bride By Janice Valverde
March 2015 Ellis Townsend—A Lakeside Literary Treasure By Shep Lenchek
February 2015 Dust On My Heart Book Review by Alice Hathaway
January 2015 HERNÁN CORTÉS—The Conqueror By Herbert W. Piekow
December 2014 The Life And Lessons Of St. Francis Of Assisi By Dr. Lorin Swinehart
November 2014 A Balloon In Cactus By Maggie Van Ostrand
October 2014 How Railroads Changed Mexico By Bill Dean
September 2014

Massive Human Rights Tragedy On US Southern Border

By Dr. Lorin Swinehart
August 2014 CHARLIE KLESTADT—Cruz Roja, and Blessings By Margaret Ann Porter
July 2014 This House Is A “Home!” By Herbert W. Piekow
June 2014 The City Beneath The City By Dr. Lorin Swinehart
May 2014MOCTEZUMA—The  Emperor By Herbert W. Piekow

—Resonates yet in the world’s torture chambers

By Dr. Lorin Swinehart
March 2014 The Enigma Of Mexico’s Plumed SerpentBy Ralph F. Graves
February 2014Chapala Railway Station To Become MuseumBy Ilse Hoffmann
January 2014Driving In Guadalajara Is Easy!By Suzie Lotven
December 2013The Idols Of San Juan CosalaBy Idella Purnell
November 2013Acclaimed Jazz Band To PerformBy Mel Goldgerg
October 2013CARLOTA—Mexico´s Lost EmpressBy Morgan Bedford
September 2013THE AMERICAN SCHOOL: The Scholastic “Pearl of the West”By Sofia Benitez
August 2013Discovering Guadalajara the way Columbus might have: Getting Lost.By Ed Tasca
July 2013Have Ashes, Will TravelBy Maggie Van Ostrand
June 2013BARTOLOME DE LAS CASAS: A Hero for all TimeBy Dr. Lorin Swinehart
May 2013The Giant Wore Silk By Ed Lusch
April 2013The Death Of John Riley— RevisitedBy Michael Hogan, Ph.D.
March 2013Don YsidroBy Bruce Holland Rogers

February 2013

LAKESIDE: Lourdes without the Rich French Food

By Ed Tasca

January 2013HARRY TRUMAN
The Man Who Saved Western Civilization

By Dr. Lorin Swinehart

December 2012

Brief History Of Ajijic

By June Nay Summers

November 2012A Brief History Of Jews In MexicoBy Mel Goldberg
October 2012Gringa Vs. CobblestonesBy Carol Curtis
September 2012NEILL JAMES—Ajijic’s Woman of the Century!By Tod Jonson
August 2012Stepping Out Of My Comfort ZoneBy Richard (Rick) McGraw
July 2012Lakeside’s Master of Murals—Javier ZaragozaBy Rob Mohr
June 2012The Old Man And The MojitoBy Carol L. Bowman
May 2012Two Men Who Forever Changed MexicoBy Herbert W. Piekow
April 2012Viva los MariachisBy Mildred Boyd
March 2012Life On The AltiplanoBy Carol L. Bowman
February 2012The Image Of MexicoBy Herbert W. Piekow
January 2012Our Trip To The ButterfliesBy Kay Thompson
December 2011THE TENTH MUSE— Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (1648-1695)By Mark Sconce
November 2011They’re Coming Back!By Paul Hart
October 2011XVI Pan American GamesBy David Harper
September 2011The United States Longest WarBy Mel Goldberg
August 2011PRAGUE-Pay to Pee and Stand to EatBy Carol L. Bowman
July 2011Canada Confederation DayBy Robb Howard
June 2011The Brujas of Mexico and CaliforniaBy Fred Mittag
May 2011Las  Alfombras of Semana Santa
Antigua, Guatemala
By Carol L. Bowman
April 2011The Golden Age Of Mexican CinemaBy Herbert W. Piekow
February 2011Mexico’s Leapfrog Into The 21st CenturyBy Richard Rhoda, PHD
January 2011Mother MexicoBy Bill Frayer
December 2010The Straw ManBy Mildred Boyd
—Lives On in Patzcuaro, Mexico
By Carol L. Bowman
October 2010Pancho Villa’s GranddaughterBy James Tipton
September 2010Magnificent MazamitlaBy Kay Davis
August 2010Mexico Gets No Respect!By Dr. Richard Rhoda
July 2010Blue Birds With Wheels, Not WingsBy Carol L. Bowman
June 2010Peter Morse Moir aka “Pedro Loco”By Mark Sconce
May 2010Lady With a LanceBy Mildred Boyd
April 2010A Ticket to the Grand ShowBy Neil McKinnon
March 2010The National HighwayBy Beatriz E. Garcia
February 2010B. Traven’s Mexican EnigmaBy Bill Mesusant
January 2010In Search Of Juan RulfoBy Harriet Hart
December 2009Strolling Through TimeBy Mildred Boyd
November 2009QUERÉTARO—Muy Clasico!By Maggie Van Ostrand
October 2009The Allure Of OaxacaBy Alvin Starkman M.A., LL.B.
September 2009MY FRIEND URSULA
—The Jew From Shanghai
By Herbert W. Piekow
August 2009The Renegade SpaniardBy Mildred Boyd
July 2009The Magic Of ZacatecasBy Harriet Hart
June 2009Learning To Act At The LLTBy Ed Tasca
May 2009Mexico’s New Face of Spring Breakers: RetireesBy Carol L. Bowman
—An Anthology of Travelers’ Tales
Reviewed by Thomas Hally
March 2009The Chinese In Pre-Columbian MexicoBy Bill Mesusan
February 2009A Tale Of Two PresidentsBy Mildred Boyd
January 2009Loving Pedro InfanteNovel by Denise Chávez Farrar, Straus and Giroux 2001A Review by James Tipton
–Hero or Villain?
By Shep Lenchek
November 2008SAN MIGUEL AND GUANAJUATO —Nice places to visit but…Story by Carol L. Bowman
October 2008View From The Terrace
Mexico’s Copper Canyon at Posada Barrancas
Story by Carol L. Bowman
September 2008CASA DE ANCIANOS DE CHAPALA—House of the Old OnesBy James Tipton
August 2008A Glimpse Of The PastBy Mildred Boyd
July 2008Tequila–City of SurprisesBy Kay Davis
June 2008The Tunnel Witches Of GuanajuatoBy Michael McLaughlin
May 2008Tierra y Libertad!By Mildred Boyd
April 2008John Huston’s Mexican OdysseyBy Bill Mesusan
March 2008Mysteries Of The Universe—Where did the Mayas go?By Mark S. McGrew
February 2008Hidden Gems of JaliscoBy Mary Piotrowski
January 2008A Woman In AjijicBy Bill Mesusan
December 2007NacimientosBy Mildred Boyd
November 2007DAY OF THE DEAD—What Does It Mean to Us?By Kay Davis
October 2007What Rights, Whose Land?By Ed Lusch
September 2007Copper Canyon Trip
(Bumps and All)
By Bob Tennison
August 2007Writers at LakesideBy James Tipton
July 2007In Defense of MalincheBy Mildred Boyd
June 2007Carved In StoneBy Bill Mesusan
May 2007EMILIO FERNANDEZ—Ten of a KindBy Maggie Van Ostrand
April 2007Mexico’s Earliest BooksBy Ralph Graves
March 2007A Lady of LettersBy Mildred Boyd
February 2007City of the GodsBy Neil McKinnon
January 2007The Weavers Of Mexicoby Mildred Boyd
December 2006A Christmas Tree For Mexicoby Phyllis Rauch
November 2006Maria Felix: The Fantasy of the Worldby James Tipton
October 2006The Day Of The Deadby Mildred Boyd
September 2006Following in Their Footstepsby Bill Mesusan
August 2006Don Churreroby Maggie Van Ostrand
July 2006So You Think You Can Salsa?by Margie Harrell
June 2006Tianguis Of Ancient Mexicoby Ralph F. Graves
May 2006The Many Faces of Mexicoby Joy Birnbach Dunstan
April 2006Fateful Encounterby Mildred Boyd
March 2006Viva! Los Colorados Valientesby Teresíta Sabín
February 2006Diego Rivera—A Palette Full of Compassionby Ed Lusch
January 2006The Villageby Maggie Van Ostrand
December 2005President Vicente Fox —Up Close and Personalby Paul Jackson
November 2005Doin’ The Canyon In Style Part I—Creel and Cusarareby Carol L. Bowman
October 2005The Five Senses Of Fridaby Maggie Van Ostrand
September 2005Calle Ricoby Phyllis Rauch
August 2005The Fighting Nunby Mildred Boyd
July 2005A Brief Encounter In Mexicoby Margie Harrell
June 2005 THE SONORAN DESERT—Land of Extremesby Ed Lusch
May 2005The Huichols: Enduring, Evolving or in Crisis?by Teresita Sabin de Simental
April 2005Manners In Mexicoby Mark McGrew
March 2005Mexico’s Ancient Astronomersby Ralph Graves
February 2005Not a Lot of Ocelotsby Vern and Lori Geiger
January 2005Among Lakeside’s Most Illustriousby Arthur Melby
December 2004Lakeside 2020by Tony Passarello
November 2004A Rendezvous With Destiny at the Hill of the Bellsby Ruth Ross Merrimer
October 2004The Neill James Legacyby Mildred Boyd
September 2004Pancho Villa—Re-Evaluatedby Shep Lenchek
August 2004The Mystical Manateeby Ed Lusch
July 2004The Man Who Bought a Cityby Mildred Boyd
June2004The Enduring Huicholby Jeannette Saylor
May 2004The Princess and the Priestby Mildred Boyd
April 2004Mexico’s First Superpowerby Ralph F. Graves
March 2004World’s Largest Woodpeckerby Vern and Lori Geiger
February 2004Carnaval in Mexico!by Ralph F. Graves
January 2004 Women at Warby Mildred Boyd
December 2003A Gift From Natureby Ed Lusch
November 2003A Peasant Ponders on Life and Deathby Ruth Ross Merrimer
October 2003The Women of Mexicoby Mildred Boyd
September 2003Children For a Cleaner Worldby Judy Dykstra-Brown
August 2003Iturbide—The Aristocrat Who Made Richer the Poor of Mexicoby Shep Lenchek
July 2003Mexico’s Mountain of Flameby Ruth Ross Merrimer
June 2003Alvarado—Captain From Castileby Mildred Boyd
May 2003The Mexican Bobcat—A Natural History Short Storyby Ed Lusch
April 2003The Madonna and the Serpentby Lawrence H. Freeman
March 2003The Mexican Governor and the California Journalistby Ruth Ross Merrimer
February 2003Monarchs of Michoacanby Mildred Boyd
January 2003 MAKING WAR —AZTEC STYLEby Ralph F. Graves
December 2002A Miracle in Mexicoby Alejandro Grattan
November 2002LIBERAL LION: The Extraordinary Career of Melchor Ocampoby Jim Tuck
October 2002The Purepecha Empire -Paradise Lostby Xill Fessenden
September 2002Mexico’s National Birdby Ed Lusch
August 2002Hernan Cortes -The Caesar Of Mexicoby Mildred Boyd
July 2002Lake Chapala – An Apocalyptic Visionby Ed Lusch
June 2002The Mexican Unsung Heroes of WWIIby Maggie Van Ostrand
May 2002The Devil And Don Vascoby Mildred Boyd
April 2002Where The Hummingbirds Wereby Mildred Boyd
March 2002A Virginal Look At Lakesideby Joy Birnbach Dunstan
February 2002Who Actually Discovered The New Worldby Ralph F. Graves
January 2002A Tale Of Two Rebelsby Mildred Boyd
December 2001The Idols Of San Juan Cosala. A Christmas Storyby Idella Purnell
November 2001 The Anti-Clerical Who Led a Catholic Rebellionby Jim Tuck
October 2001Ask What You Can Do For Your Country.John F. Kennedy
September 2001Gold, Glory And Sixteen Horsesby Mildred Boyd
August 2001Viva los Charros!by Judy King
July 2001The Biggest Little Man In Mexicoby Alejandro Grattan-Domínguez
June 2001CHILDREN’S ART. Alive and Well in Ajijic!by Mildred Boyd
May 2001Around Lake Chapala In Seven Daysby Gail Nott
April 2001Mexico’s Hairless “Wonder Dogs”by Ralph F. Graves
March 2001Lake Chapala’s Enduring Pescadoresby E. A Lusch /Interview Translations By Patricia Martinez
February 2001The History Of Lakesideby Lawrence H. Freeman
January 2001The Marvelously Melodic Marimbaby James Marthai
December 2000The Biggest Popsicle In Mexicoby Jay Lotven
November 2000Chapala Railway Station To Become Museumby Gail Nott
October 2000Mexico And Atlantisby Lawrence Freeman
September 2000Benito Juarez : Hero Or Heretic?by Shep Lenchek Surprisingly
August 2000Bringing Up Children In Anscient Mexicoby Ralph F. Graves
July 2000The Fall of the Maya Empireby Lawrence H. Freeman
June 2000The Battle Of Mezcala Islandby Robert M. Burnet
May 2000Santana: An Eagle Or A Chicken?by Prof. Amos C. Miller
April 2000The Little Ship That Led The Way To The New Worldby John Bauman
March 2000The Legend Of “El Loco”by Andrew Bosworth
February 2000The Enigma Of Mexico’s Plumed Serpentby Ralph F. Graves
January 2000Maize — Gift Of The Godsby Nancy Wolf
December 1999Motherhood In Mexicoby Marilyn P. Davis
November 1999Mexico Vs. U.S. A Civility Scorecardby Art Emig
October 1999Guzman — The Cruelest Conquistadorby Shep Lenchek
September 1999The History Of The Lake Chapala Societyby Jerry Hesser
August 1999Freedom’s Odd Coupleby Jim Tuck
July 1999New Spain’s Fifty Magical Yearsby Morgan Bedford
June 1999La Frontera Fabulosaby June Summers
May 1999What Price Survival?by Ronald A. Barnett
April 1999 Tlatchtli – Early Mexicos “Old Ball Game”by Ralph Graves
March 1999I Live In Ajijicby Neill James
February 1999Volcanoes In The Neighborhoodby Alice Hathaway
January 1999Mexico’s First Emperorby Juan Gregorio H
December 1998Men Who Must Decide Fate Of Mexicoby Morgan Bedford
November 1998The Ejido: Property Purchaser’s Perilby Shep Lenchek
October 1998Jalisco’s Great Treasureby Rosemary Wehinger Bowly
September 1998Puebla-The City Built By Angelsby Dave Good
August 1998A Brief History Of Ajijicby June Nay Summers
July 1998The Aztec Way Of Poetryby Ronald A. Barnett
June 1998The Birth Of The Bajaby June Nay Summers
May 1998The Irrepressible Pancho!by Morgan Bedford
April 1998Garlic — A Culinary Cure-All?by Ralph F. Graves
March 1998The Conquest Of Mexico, Re-Examinedby Shep Lenchek
February 1998Witchcraft & Sorcery In Mexicoby Ralph F. Graves
January 1998Carlota, Mexico´S Lost Empressby Morgan Bedford
December 1997La Malinche — Harlot or Heroineby Shep Lenchek
November 1997Literacy in Ancient Mexicoby Ronald A. Barnett
October 1997Guadalajaras Fiestas de Octubreby Dale Hoyt Palfrey
September 1997San juan de Ulua: Mexicos Haunted Castleby Lovetta Scott Miller
August 1997Mexicos Lindy Memorialized in New Jerseyby Ralph F. Graves
July 1997Que Dios se lo Pagueby Ilse Hoffmann
June 1997The Tarahumaras: An Endangered Speciesby Shep Lenchek
May 1997A Trip to See the Monarchsby Thurman Alexander
April 1997Masonic Influence on Mexicoby Morgan Bedford
March 1997Jesus and the Jewsby Shep Lenchek
February 1997Mexico´s Daffiest Dreamerby Ilse Hoffmann
January 1997Warefare Ancient in Mexicoby Ilse Hoffmann
December 1996Mexico´s Long Christmasby June Nay Summers

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