Have Hammers, Will Travel!

Have Hammers, Will Travel!



hammers 2015

The students and volunteers of Have Hammers Will Travel (HHWT) / Mr. Hammer built and delivered custom designed dog houses to the four animal rescue groups of the area just before Christmas.

The project was aided by donations of paint from Pinturas Prisa of Ajijic, screws from an un-named donor and individuals’ funding of a single house. Each of the dog houses were assigned a name “Casa ———- after donations or people honored for their work for HHWT.  One of the volunteers said “this makes it easier to know where the dogs are housed and workers to interact with them.

This is the first project of this size undertaken by HHWT for the community. This was the brain child of Cindy Thompson, treasurer of HHWT, who has been involved with the animal rescue for years.

Students from age ten to senior citizens were all involved together on this large complicated project. The houses are 24” wide by 36” deep by 24” tall sitting on 4” legs.  A slightly larger removable slanted roof is used to cover the houses. The roofs’ angle is so the dogs can still lie on top, something they love to do. A blanket drive for each of the houses was also undertaken. Contact Cindy Thompson 331-895-6866

For more information about Lake Chapala visit: chapala.com

Ojo Del Lago
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