Lakeside Living – April 2023

Kim LeMieux


April 2023

The Lake Chapala Society hosts Open Circle every Sunday at 10:30am, a popular community gathering in Ajijic, to enjoy a diverse range of presentations.

Entrance by the side gate on Ramón Corona, opens at 9:30am. We recommend bringing a hat and bottled water, and please remove containers upon departure.

Check their website for upcoming presentations, make your reservation if you want to attend and if you missed a past presentation, you could still enjoy it online:


~  2nd – Herstories – By David Ellison

David Ellison

Dave’s teachers had convinced him that he hated history. Once he got out of their clutches, though, he learned that he loved it, and ended up teaching it for 36 years. He did not instruct the way they did. Rather than focus on a boring litany of names, battles, and dates, he explored enduring, complex human issues that all societies of any epoch must face; and equally complex but fascinating biographies of individuals who faced difficult moral choices in their quest to lead authentic lives and make a difference. As Dave continued his learning (the best way to learn it is to teach!), he discovered more and more fascinating and incredibly inspiring women who’d never made the textbooks. (Duh! The books had been written by men! Dave felt cheated and vowed not to similarly let his students down.) In his engaging and memorable talk (He’s a raconteur!), Dave will share his favorite women heroes. If you attend, they’ll become yours, too. 

An Ohio native (but he escaped!), Dave was a San Francisco Bay Area educator (teacher, mentor teacher, administrator) and wrote an education column for the local newspaper. He retired lakeside 3 years ago and enjoys reading, writing, hiking, kayaking, acting…and telling great stories. HIs book, Mexican Streets: Tales of Tragedy and Triumph, will be published this month. 

~  9th  – The Hearth of the Matter – By Kelly Randolph Bennett

Kelly Randolph Bennett

EASTER: a celebration of unrestricted Life. Intuition challenges us to consider the endless continuity and creative power of Life energy, much greater than our experience.

Life may not be as truncated as it seems. Will unlimited life come to the planet?

The heart is the place for Truth and timing. Non-truths that we hold to be true assault the heart, filtering and limiting essential life energy to the body.

The intuition speaks from the heart. Health of the body depends on the authority given the heart’s message of Truth and Timing!

How eager are you to fast-track your evolution? How strongly is your intent focused on your wholeness and personal transformation?

The authority and health of the heart depend on health of the mind!

Do you devote more energy to talking or listening? How difficult are the pauses? Are there things you know that you would rather not hear?

Health of mind depends on openness, alert listening, awareness, choice!

~  16th – Where Opposites Meet: Pre-Hispanic and Contemporary Mexico – By Noris Binet

Noris Binet

Recently, I completed a 57-day re-immersion road journey from Ajijic to Belize. This was my husband’s first taste of the 11 Mexican states we traversed which I travelled through 40 years ago.

My purpose was to reconnect with the energy left behind in the ancient cultures, temple sites and multiplicity of archeological artifacts, all of which demonstrated the sophistication of these cultures and the profound interconnection that they have with nature and the world of the spirit. What especially was revealed on this journey was the legacy these people left for today’s individual and society evolution, which I will explore in this presentation.

The old towns built by the Spanish conquistadors with the overwhelming stamp of their churches and European heritage permeates the contemporary world of Mexico. Yet where these two cultures meet one finds a unique space wherein lies vibrant aspects of the indigenous ancient cultures and customs. The meeting of opposites has wrought richness, diversity, and inclusion, which offers unforgettable impressions: wonderful mix of art, music and culture that truly inspires the soul.

Ms. Binet, from the Dominican Republic, has resided in Ajijic for five years, and previously lived in Mexico from 1976 to 1989. She is a visual artist, poet, author, spiritual teacher, and sociologist completing her studies at the University of Guadalajara.  She has studied with several indigenous communities including the Tarasco, Mayas, and Huichols Indians. She has spent decades working with individuals and diverse communities to build bridges and to promote the reclamation in indigenous and immigrant communities of their own sacred roots in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and other countries. Binet offers monthly Satsangs (a gathering in association with truth) wherein she facilitates meditation and self-inquiry for the exploration of one’s true nature and touching one’s own inner peace.

~  23rd – The Magic of Wonder. – By Ted Shaw

Ted Shaw

Get ready to be inspired by the insights of one of the leading experts in personal achievement, “Ted Shaw is the expert other professionals come to study with and learn advanced methods of personal achievement.” ~ Steve Consalvez, CEO at Success Formulae, UK. Through Ted’s inspiring talk, you will learn how to change your mindset and gain new confidence to achieve the life you desire. Ted Shaw is a Master Firewalking Instructor and one of the co-authors of the training manual used at the Firewalking Institute of Research and Education to teach and certify Personal Development Coaches who use Firewalking in their events. This is the same school where Tony Robbins, Edwene Gains, & T Harv Eker learned Firewalking. Join us and be prepared to be amazed by Ted’s insights. He currently lives on Lake Chapala with his family and spends his time writing, making art, facilitating lifechanging events for corporations, groups, and individuals, personal coaching, and traveling.

~ April 30th – Volunteering at Lakeside – By Lydia Bodin

Lydia Bodin

There are charities who work around the Lake Chapala area who have incredible impact on the local community.  They can only do their work when individuals who live here step-up and volunteer to help. We are not just talking about writing a check – which is always welcome – there is a need to do real work that can be transformative for the local community.  This will be a unique opportunity to hear about the actual need of local charities who are engaged in the work of performing human services around Lake Chapala.  Several charities will be present and will briefly speak to their need for committed and talented volunteers.  Following the presentations, there will be a chance to speak directly to represented charities and to be enrolled in the life saving work and human services provided by these different groups.  The satisfaction that this type of work confers will not only transform the community – it will also transform the giver. We invite you to this very different Open Circle.

Lydia Bodin is the President of Niños Incapacitados, a local charity that provides medical care for children.  She has been a Lakeside full-time resident for almost five years.  In her former life, she was a prosecutor working in crimes against women and children.  

~ May 5, Friday at 7 pm and May 6, Saturday at 3pm

The Lake Chapala Orchestra and Director, Michael Reason

The Lake Chapala Orchestra will present its second concert of the season that features the orchestra’s chamber ensemble in an innovative program entitled American Landscapes.

The featured work will be Appalachian Spring by one of America’s most revered composers, Aaron Copland. Appalachian Spring was conceived as a ballet by the celebrated dancer and choreographer Martha Graham, and she commissioned Copland to write the music in 1944. The ballet depicts the celebration of spring in a rural community of 19th century American pioneers.

Copland’s music has become a concert hall favorite around the world, but the orchestral version was not how it was originally written. The first incarnation was for a small theater sized ensemble of 13 players which is the version to be presented by the Lake Chapala Orchestra.

“I was able to track down a full score of the original version but the only way to obtain parts for each instrument was by renting them from a publisher in New York at a rate of $1,000US” says Michael Reason, the LCO’s conductor. “In order to avoid this eye-popping expense, I set about transcribing the entire score so that I could extract each individual part. It was a labor of love, taking several weeks to complete but now we have our own set of parts without a drain on our finances” added Reason.

The other works on the program include Leonard Bernstein’s Sonata for Clarinet and Piano and Dvorak’s String Quartet No. 12 subtitle “American”.

Patrons are advised to reserve early to avoid disappointment as every concert given by the LCO are consistently sold out.  Tickets are $350 and can be ordered by emailing Just state the performance date and time and how many tickets you require.

The concerts will take place at the orchestra’s regular venue at Lakeside Presbyterian Church, 250 San Jorge, Riberas.

~ 28th, 29th, 30th – Friday, Saturday, & Sunday 4:00 pm.

Later Life, by A.R. Gurney

Directed by Lila Wells

Later Life cast, L to R, Darlene Sherwood, Don Beaudreau, Director, Lila Wells, Mark Donaldson & Robbin Moore.

A romantic comedy from the author of Sylvia. The New York Times calls the play “Charmingly clever yet immeasurably touching”. Incomparable Gurney is mature, masterful, and hilarious in this hugely successful Later Life, a Boston banker, and a woman he had a romantic interlude with thirty years earlier reunite at a cocktail party.

             Principal character, Austin, has spent his entire life convinced that something terrible is bound to happen to him. One night, at a party, overlooking Boston harbor, he has the pleasure of rekindling a romance begun almost thirty years ago with Ruth. Comically, and sometimes painfully, these two people rediscover each other and themselves while a bevy of free-spirited other guests rally behind them. A.R. Gurney’s penchant for painful human comedy is on full display.

Gurney (1930-2017) is known as one of the most prolific and produced playwrights in America. His work focuses primarily on the issues and realities of middle-class American life and has been produced on international theatre stages for more than 50 years. He is also the author of three novels and a two-time Pulitzer Prize for Drama nominee, the recipient of the Drama Desk Award, and the Award of Merit from the Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters.

It’s within this classic spirit that Lila Wells directs her fine cast of four, Don Beaudreau, Mark Donaldson, Robbin Moore and Darlene Sherwood, two of which will play multiple roles. Don debuted with Bare Stage in our Dec. show, Christmas at Pemberley; Mark also appeared in Pemberley, and two others in 2022. Robbin performed in October’s Garage Sale and Darlene performed in November’s Assisted Living and made her directorial debut this Jan. with Marion Bridge.

Tickets are $200 to join in the fun. Shows are selling out so RESERVE NOW at

We are located at #261 on the mountain side of the Carretera in Riberas del Pilar across from the Catholic Church. Door and Bar open at 3:00 pm. Seats are held until 3:50 pm. Auditorium curtains will be open for air flow. Please Like, Follow & Share our Facebook Page: barestagetheatre2018/ But please, use the gmail address above for reservations, thx!

 “We told you we were planning something special! Brush off your flying monkey wings and your ruby slippers!”

~13 & 14 at 6:30

~15 & 16 at 4:30

BRAVO! Theatre presents a sing-along, reading of

TheWizard of OZ

Directed by Lynn Phelan

Tickets are available at BRAVO Monday April 3 12:30 – 1:30PM Minimum donation $400MXN

441 Hidalgo, Riberas del Pilar

Or purchase at Mia’s Boutique or Kinda Bazaar during their business hours.

Hello BRAVO! supporters, audience, and friends

It has taken me a while to write this message to let you know what has been happening. As you know, Bravo! had two shows scheduled for March this year. Some good friends and fabulous actors, two even came from Spain, were assembled by two incredible directors to perform. Rehearsals were well underway, and our excitement grew as my long-term plan to present back-to-back shows with gay characters was coming to fruitionBoston Marriage, by David Mamet and His Greatness, a Daniel MacIvor play about Tennessee Williams. As we cruised into 2023, confident that the ills of Covid were in the rearview mirror, our March casts and crew experienced two fractures, a collapsed lung and a couple of life-threatening or long-term health issues that would take weeks, not days to address. Ultimately, the health of all was paramount. I had to make a very difficult decision and cancel these wonderful productions. Having said that, BRAVO! now needs your help to stay afloat!  Another show is being lovingly and imaginatively planned with details coming soon.  It will be a fundraiser featuring many of your favorite, local actors in a piece that is ALWAYS a crowd pleaser, we promise!  Buy tickets when they go on sale.  And please know that we will be planning events throughout the summer – watch for the ads, emails, and Facebook notices. Oh, and if you’d like to volunteer, we’re taking names and will add ‘theatre’ to the fun in your life, contact me at

Thanks, Jayne

April/May 2023 Holidays

All are observances unless otherwise noted with **

~2 Palm Sunday (Domingo de Ramos) is held 7 days before Easter Sunday and    marks the start of Holy Week (Semana Santa) in Mexico. Churches are decorated with palms to celebrate the story of Jesus entering Jerusalem on a donkey.

~6** Maundy Thursday (Jueves Santo) prior to Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday. Jesus’ last supper is remembered on this day.

~7** Good Friday (Viernes Santo) ** prior to Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday.    Christians remember Jesus’ crucifixion and death on this day.

~8 Holy Saturday (Sábado Santo) ** prior to Easter Sunday. Solemn vigils are held at churches on this day.

~9 Easter Sunday (Domingo de Pascua), one of Mexico’s biggest celebrations          which remembers the biblical story of when Jesus rose from death.

~30 Children’s Day (El Día Del Niño) is celebrated as a tribute to children in Mexico and globally.

On this day teachers organize the day for their children. There are no classes in schools, even though it’s not listed as an official holiday in the school calendar. Instead, schools organize special events and treats for the children, and the teachers take an active part in them.

They organize games, music, and the children bring in their favorite foods to share with others. Some families also have a day out with their children. There are special activities for children in parks and sports centers. Sometimes, also, the children will be given presents by their families.

Children’s Day in Mexico started in 1925. This celebration had its origins during Álvaro Obregón’s presidential period after the country joined the Geneva Conventions and looking after the wellness of the vulnerable children affected by World War I. The United Nations suggested in 1959 countries adopt a National Children’s Day in honor of the Children’s Rights Declaration of 1959.

~ 1 MAY ** Labor Day (Día del Trabajo) ** also known as May Day (Primero de Mayo), While many countries celebrate May 1st in many ways including the old “Maypole” ceremony here in Mexico it is a day of rest for the workers as well as protest and rallies.  Labor Day origination was heavily influenced by two things. The first was the passing of a resolution at the Organized Trades and Labor Unions of the United States and Canada as well that basically set forth the 8-hour workday. In Mexico, the creation of mutual societies since the late nineteenth century led to the gradual organization of groups and associations who fought to improve their employment status. During the Mexican Revolution, it became apparent the need for Mexican workers to work more humane and fair conditions. The 1917 Constitution echoed all the voices that were raised in this regard, specifying in Article 123 recognizing the obligations of employers and workers’ rights. April 2021

Photo credit: BORGEN Magazine

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Kim LeMieux
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