Editor’s Page

November 2024Over teched
October 2024SHE
September 2024Aging, Isolation and Invisibility in Lakeside’s Expat Community
August 2024The News
July 2024Artificial Intelligence
June 2024Angry Voters
May 2024Plugged In
April 2024Tipping Musicians
March 2024Brian’s Story
Guest Editorial By Anne Pride
February 2024About our publication: El Ojo del Lago
January 2024Spaghetti Junction
December 2023My Family’s Christmas Posada
November 2023Light Up the Darkness
October 2023Changes
September 2023Editor’s Page – September 2023
August 2023Editor’s Page – August 2023
July 2023Does anyone have the time?
June 2023God, Guns, Guns! Praise the Lord!
Guest Editorial By Fred Mittag
May 2023Editor’s Page – May 2023
April 2023Editor’s Page – Abril 2023
March 2023Ban Censorship, Not Books!
February 2023“In Defense of Guns”
Guest Editorial By Fred Mittag
January 2023Missing Mexico
December 2022Editor’s Page
November 2022Moving to Mexico
October 2022Editor’s Page 
September 2022Stunt drivers in Mexico
August 2022One Nation?
July 2022Dying for Action
June 2022A Change in El Ojo del Lago
May 2022A Mid-day Mexican Stand Off
April 2022“The Greatest Generation – and Us” 
Guest Editorial By Fred Mittag
March 2022The Truth Is Out There
February 2022Trying a different tactic
January 2022Editor’s Page 
Guest Editorial By Sally Asante
December 2021We cannot move!
November 2021“America’s Failing Infrastructure”
Guest Editorial By Fred Mittag
October 2021Insurance Miseries
September 2021Make time while you have the time
August 2021Editor’s Page
July 2021Editor’s Page
June 2021Editor’s Page
May 2021Editor’s Page
April 2021Drive Safely
March 2021Editor’s Page
February 2021Living in History
January 2021Lessons Learned
December 2020“Democracy Delayed”
November 2020Editor’s Page
October 2020Editor’s Page
September 2020And now, the News
August 2020Editor’s Page
July 2020A Perfect Storm
June 2020Thanks For The Memories
May 2020Only Nine Little Words
April 2020The Curious Case of John Kennedy… O’Toole
March 2020The Freshman Rebellion
February 2020Remembering the “World’s Greatest Athlete”
—One of History’s Most Fascinating Moments—
December 2019Editor’s Page
—Champion of the American Working Class—
October 2019Forget the Facts, Print the Legend!
September 2019The Manchurian Candidate
August 2019Why Do They Come to America?
June 2019Emergency at the Border?
May 2019“SOCIALISM”—With a Personal
April 2019Editor’s Page
March 2019The Wit and Wisdom of George S. Kaufman
February 2019A Brief History of Mexican Migration
January 2019JAMES HILTON—The Man with the Magic
December 2018A Mexican Christmas Story
November 2018Reform Or Wither Away
October 2018About Canada and Canadians
September 2018RONALD  REAGAN— Actor!?
August 2018There is something rotten in Helsinki
July 2018The Genesis Of An Historical Novel
June 2018Remembering my “Jewish” Mexican Mother
May 2018Shame On The Cowards!
April 2018Ajijic—The Movie!
March 2018Trump’s Most Dangerous Mistake
February 2018The Maid’s Maid
January 2018The Mexican-American Soldier in WWII
December 2017DOG FIGHTING—A Continuing Blot on Our Conscience
November 2017Lincoln and Chronic Depression
October 2017The Greatest Novel Ever Written
September 2017Justice Deferred But Not Forgotten
August 2017Normalizing Incivility
July 2017The Day the World Held Its Breath
June 2017Tuesdays With Morrie
May 2017Ayn Rand’s Death Grip On U.S. Politics
April 2017Liberal Or Conservative?
March 2017CELSITO—A Prince Amongst Paupers
—An Immigration Story of Sorts—
February 2017Forget the Facts, Print the Legend!
January 2017Only Nine Little Words
December 2016Robert McNamara and the Vietnam War
November 2016America’s Scary Flirtation with Trump
October 2016Ah, Persistence!
September 2016Definitions and Delusions – Am I a Closet Liberal?
August 2016Defining “Definitions”
July 2016Say What! Weed Legalization in Mexico?
June 2016Sky High
May 2016Reversing The Trend
April 2016Church And State
March 2016A Sage for All Seasons
February 2016Political Hysteria
January 2016The Particular Value of Pathfinders
December 2015

A CHRISTMAS THOUGHT: The Later Years—Delight Or Depression?

November 2015Hooray for Hollyweird
October 2015Courts Don’t Treat Male Rape Victims Equally– But They Should!
September 2015The Best Time to Have Come of Age!
August 2015Justice Deferred, Yet Not Forgotten
July 2015Famous Last Words By Some Famous Folks
June 2015The Day the Entire World Held Its Breath
(Reprinted by Request)
May 2015

Follow the Money! 

April 2015

A Wonderful Writer Once In Our Midst (II)

March 2015

A Wonderful Writer Once In Our Midst – Part One

February 2015RONALD REAGAN—An Actor!?
January 2015We’re Off to See the Wizard!
December 2014A Brief History Of Mexican Migration 
November 2014The Biggest Little Man In Mexico 
October 2014Rage In America
September 2014Robin Williams—The Pagliacci of Comedy
August 2014“The Iron Horse”
July 2014OSCAR  LEVANT—The Irreverent Genius
June 2014So Whatever Happened . . .?
May 2014OUR AMERICA—A Hispanic History of the United States
April 2014The Screen’s Greatest Performance
March 2014“Is this crazy, or what?!”
February 2014You’ve Come a Long Way, Nena!
January 2014WILDLIFE CRIME—A Moral Outrage!
December 2013The Bottom Line
November 2013The Little Lady Who Made Publishing History
October 2013Que le vaya bien!
September 2013Immigration Insanity
August 2013The Mariachi Kid
July 2013EDGAR CAYCE—America’s Sleeping Prophet
June 2013Mexico’s Middle Class
May 2013For Greater Glory (La Cristiada)
April 2013My Most Unusual Experience
March 2013Canada and the USA
February 2013Urban Gunslingers
January 2013Anatomy of a Masterpiece
December 2012World-Wide Slave Traffic
November 2012Escape To Mexico
October 2012Mexico’s Most Mysterious Man
September 2012On Being Exceptional
August 2012WARREN BUFFETT—The Benevolent Billionaire
July 2012The Unsung Mexican Heroes Of WWII
June 2012Counter-Productive Conversation
May 2012A WONDERFUL WRITER—Once in Our Midst
April 2012CASABLANCA—The Making (and Near Un-Doing) of a Classic
March 2012Careening Toward Catastrophe
February 2012History’s Most Fascinating Fictional Hero
January 2012The Biggest Little Man in Mexico
December 2011My Most Embarrassing Moment
November 2011Indefensible Defense Debits
October 2011The Electrifying, Yet Stultifying Thomas Edison
September 2011Okay, I Give Up!
August 2011Uncle Sam Goes On Life-Support
July 2011HEMINGWAY—Half a Century Later
June 2011Ajijic Writers’ Group
May 2011A Brief History of Work
April 2011A Life Well-Justified
March 2011The Power of Poetry
February 2011An Astounding Man in an Astounding Century
January 2011Emulate the Dogs, Please
December 2010America: Tattered but not Destroyed
November 2010“Bring ‘Em Home, Send ‘Em To College”
October 2010Once There Was Camelot—American Style
September 2010It’s A Fat, Fat, Fat, Fat World
August 2010“MARK TWAIN —The Compassionate Cynic”
July 2010Did I Remember to Tell You That I Forgot?
June 2010Hanging with the Atheists
May 2010The Church at the Crossroads
April 2010The Mexican-American Soldier
March 2010A Challenge To Think
February 2010God Bless Our Four-legged Friends
January 2010Corruption, Medieval Tribes, And Insurgency
December 2009Remembering A Christmas Past—and Ray Rigby
November 2009Medical Reform Or Medical Ruination?
October 2009Guest Editorial
September 2009Gossip-Mongering
August 2009Why Mexico, You Ask!?!
July 2009The Day the World Held Its Breath
June 2009Ajijic—The Movie!
May 2009Editor’s Page
April 2009The Screen’s Greatest Performance
March 2009In Defense of Death
February 2009Why Mexico, You Ask!?!
January 2009The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo—Revisited
December 2008America’s Shameful Stain
November 2008The Road Not Taken—But Still Remembered
October 2008The Devil You Know is Better Than
the Devil You Don’t Know
September 2008The 40th Anniversary of America’s Nervous Breakdown
August 2008Among the Greatest Men of the 20th Century
July 2008The Genesis of a Novel
June 2008The Lakeside Little Theater
—A Few Personal Recollections
May 2008Glitches Galore!
April 2008Behind every great achievement is a deep wound…
March 2008Is the United States Going Broke?
February 2008About Canada and Canadians…
January 2008Remembering Jim Tuck
December 2007The Theory of Compensating Values
November 2007The Nine Words That Changed America
October 2007The War
September 2007In (Partial) Defense of President Bush
August 2007Life Can Be a Bitch
July 2007Hooray for Hollywerid

June 2007

Rounding Up the Unusual Suspects

Mayo 2007Enough Is Enough!
April 2007A Triumphant Failure
March 2007A Tribute to a Magnificent Man and a Life Truly Lived
February 2007AMERICA—The Only Game in Town
January 2007A Most Pleasant Experience
December 2006Careening Toward Catastrophe
November 2006In A Perfect World
October 2006Whatever Happened to the Good Ole USA?
September 2006If Life Could Only Imitate Art
August 2006Self-defeating Misconceptions
July 2006The Misers Amongst Us
June 2006Trolling for Trouble Alongside the Lake
May 2006The Iron Horse
April 2006The Magical Allure Of Mexico
March 2006A Tale of Two Countries—Vietnam and Iraq
February 2006The Undirectable Director
January 2006The Mugging Of Lady Justice
December 2005In Praise of Talented Women
November 2005Blaming the Victims
October 2005The Fabulous Fifties
September 2005On The Nature Of Political Dissent
August 2005An American Tragedy
July 2005“DEEP THROAT” —Heel or Hero?
June 2005The Later Years—Peak Or Depression?
May 2005In Defense of Liberals
April 2005The Lessons I’ve Learned From Dogs
March 2005Melancholy In Mexico
February 2005Among the Greatest Plays of the 20TH Century
January 2005The Genesis of a Novel
December 2004A Christmas Gift To Remember
November 2004Let’s Pretend That
October 2004To Die in the Desert
September 2004Anita—The Patron Saint of Lakeside’s Animals
August 2004ZAPATA—The Movie
July 2004Remembering Ronald Reagan
June 2004The Generation That Saved the World
May 2004The Passion Of The Christ
April 2004A Tentative Thumbs-up To President Bush
March 2004God Bless Our Four-legged Friends
February 2004Hollywood—South
Janaury 2004The Nine Words Which Changed America
December 2003The Spirit of Christmas Comes in Many Colors
November 2003Remembering Jim Tuck
October 2003The Crazy California Recall
September 2003The Ojo Celebrates Its 20th Birthday
August 2003Motoring Through Michoacan
July 2003Voices Crying Out in the Wilderness
May 2003Hooray for Morrie Schwartz
—and Mitch Albom, Too!
April 2003On the Nature of Political Dissent
March 2003About Canada and Canadians . . .
February 2003The Mysterious Allure of Mexico
Janaury 2003The Ajijic Writers’ Group
December 2002Frida Meets The Mexican Press
November 2002Careening Toward Catastrophe
September 2002Baghdad Or Bust-Bushwhacked Again?
August 2002Mexico’s Most Mysterious Man
July 2002One Of The Great Men Of The 20th Century
Marzo 2002Clocking Bush At The One-Quarter Mark

For more information about Lake Chapala visit: chapala.com

Victoria Schmidt
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