Bubbles. We are fascinated by them. Is there anything more joyful than watching a child beam with wonder as they create bubbles with their wand? There is much laughter and fun when we blow bubbles for our cats and dogs and watch the sun produce a rainbow of reflections before the bubbles inevitably POP!
And what happens when the bubbles pop? The child may cry, the dog may look puzzled. The cat may turn away with disgust.
But there are so many different kinds of bubbles, and I believe that many people build bubbles around themselves to protect themselves from the uncomfortable, or the unknown. We sit safely inside our bubble, and we protect what we allow inside. Who we have as friends, who we talk to, who we cherish, who we believe, who we listen to, what we read, what we want to believe and think. While it may protect us, it also affects the way we see the world. How we interact with the world.
The world has just witnessed two of the largest bubbles POP in the November election in the USA. I cannot say that this only affects the USA. The entire world watched as the election results were tallied. And many countries watched in shock and horror, while others looked on with glee.
Well, to be truthful, the bubble that is the USA has popped. Truly and brilliantly. The bubble that was the USA that was the leader, the example to the world set after World Wars I and II well and truly exists no more.
Citizens, based on their own individual bubbles, their own sets of beliefs and fears, created their own bubbles, and within them became isolationists. There was a lot of talk, but there was no listening, and no hearing.
Fear won. While the public was either hiding within their bubbles or sitting back hoping for the best, the biggest evil was distracting and diverting all of our attention about the true goal of the election.
The election was a distraction engineered to keep us from seeing how the rich will become richer, and the middle class and the poor will become poorer. The trick is to make us fear each other for many different reasons. To blame each other. To keep our attention off the purchasing of all our lives by the 1%. They are the real threat. And with Citizens United and elections are nearly bought and paid for, and the ever-growing stranglehold they have on the judicial system, their gluttonous reign of greed and power has all been assured.
Please note that I point no fingers at any “side.” It is so easy to point accusatory culprits to blame. I too have my own fears. I fear for those who are hungry and homeless, and jobless, for those who have lost their humanity, their moral compass, I fear for a USA that is the brunt of international jokes. My fear is that we will not awaken and stop taking sides. That we will not unite together as a country. That we will not each take our individual responsibility to find for ourselves the truth sayers and listen to them, no matter how painful. I fear that we have, as a society, lost our ability to discern the truth. It is our individual responsibility to learn about and take seriously the world around us.
When I read that there were so many people who had searched the Internet to discover how they could change their vote after the election, it was as if all my fears had come true. Even school children know that once a vote is cast, it cannot be changed!!
We must educate ourselves, learn, listen, think and tell others.
Until the wealth of the nation achieves a more equitable division, we are no different than a third world nation.
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