Letters to the Editor – December 2016

Letters to the Editor


LettersToTheEditorDear Sir:

The people of Mexico recently have been subject to vilification, verbal and racist abuse so that I feel it necessary to share one of my many personal experiences of Mexican kindness and thoughtfulness during my 21 years as a permanent resident of this beautiful Mexican Lakeside community.

Around a year ago my wife and I who recognized inevitable signs and symptoms of aging decided that it was time to move to an Assisted Living Facility. Quite by chance we heard that such a facility existed in Chula Vista and, after meeting the young owner, a competent, educated Mexican woman, an example of the growing Mexican modern business entrepreneur, we decided to move.

Within six months of our move we had became happily established, together with three other elderly residents, into the life and activity of this pleasant assisted living routine, thanks to a dedicated staff and the efficient management by the owner.

During this period my wife and I realized that we urgently needed to visit our severely handicapped middle son, Tony, at his residential facility in Edmond, Oklahoma.  There was one big snag. Because of our own disabilities we could no longer drive or fly up to Oklahoma to spend time with Tony. Physically, we just could not do it!!

Having fostered a close and caring relationship with the owner of our Assisted Living Center I broached my concern with her who was most sympathetic and understanding. A day or two later after discussing the issue with her husband at their home in Guadalajara, she agreed to be our companion on our flight to Oklahoma and do the constant driving which would be her responsibility in driving us back and forth between our hotel in Edmond and Tony’s residential center.

At the time I understood that my request was challenging for her to abdicate her management responsibilities and spend time with us on a personal journey to see and be with our son. 

After making sure that her facility was adequately and professionally staffed and that her medical professional family in Guadalajara would provide adequate supervision while she was absent, we made the pleasant and uneventful journey to Oklahoma together.

This young Mexican lady literally bent over backward to make sure that we were well taken care of in every way and she showed great patience in meeting some of our challenging requests while she transported us around both Edmond and Oklahoma City.

But what touched us most of all was the loving and kind way that she accepted our physically and mentally handicapped son.

Please remember that this is a young Mexican woman who up to that time had no children of her own and suddenly to come face to face with a child in an adult body with multiple motor and sensory problems! Tony has always had an interest in attractive women and this young woman came into that category. Tony immediately took to her and as is his normal habit he wants always to love, and hug any human who comes into his sight and who will accept him.

It was a lesson in loving acceptance by our Mexican ‘caregiver’ who, without any reticence in the least, allowed Tony to embrace her, pull her long dark hair, look lovingly at her with his misshapen face …and she reciprocated Tony’s uncontrolled movements of love with her own acceptance, pleasure and understanding.

Mr. Trump, you have no idea of the character, integrity and caring nature of the Mexican people!! How about coming down here and living with a Mexican family and then your racism will maybe die a natural death!

Bert Slocombe

Chula Vista Norte

PS: The names of the real characters in this short vignette remain incognito to protect their identity:


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