Members Wanted!

Members Wanted!

silhouette writer


The Ajijic Writers Group, founded in 1988, is looking for new members. Two qualifications: an interest in writing and critical thought. No entry fee, no dues, very few rules. We meet the first and third Fridays of each month, 10AM at the New Posada in Ajijic, with luncheon at noon in the patio after the meetings. (Some say the luncheons can be more interesting than the meetings.)

Very simple format: members read their work (articles, short stories, poems, etc,) and other members (try to) graciously offer their comments and suggestions. Occasionally, well-known guest speakers share their literary bumps-in-the-road with the group. Over the years, many members have had their books (fiction, non-fiction and poetry collections) published by major companies in both the US and Europe, while others have sold articles to major magazines in the United States.

Moreover, literally hundreds (if not thousands!) of well-received articles in El Ojo del Lago were first discovered at the Ajijic Writers Group. Come and be part of one of Lakeside’s most fascinating non-exclusive clubs.



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