mail-box-full-colorDear Sir:

I have been coming to this area for three winters. (Oct to Apr) I have picked up a copy of your magazine at various locations. Also enjoy it very much. You have a first-class periodical. On Sept 6th I picked up a copy where I was doing my shopping (name withheld). However, to my surprise when I got home I was charged for “LIBROS Y REVISTAS” $10.00. It says on the front page of your publication “The best publication money can’t buy.” Is this only this one merchant’s policy or is this your company policy. It flies in the face of your advertising. I will pick my copies elsewhere from now on.

Thanking you for your attention, I remain

Yours truly,

Ray Peramaki   376 673 5191

Our Editor Replies:

Our slogan means exactly what it says. There is absolutely no charge for El Ojo del Lago and any merchant who sells it for whatever price is breaking the law as well as the public trust. We thank you for alerting us to this situation. We plan to make our position extremely clear to the merchant mentioned in your letter. That said, we appreciate your kind words and hope that you will continue to enjoy our publication.

For more information about Lake Chapala visit: chapala.com

Ojo Del Lago
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