Lakeside Living – February 2010

Lakeside Living
By Kay Davis

Phone: (376) 766-4774
or 765-3676 to leave messages

February 2010

Events are listed by date, like a calendar: past events, then those planned for the future. Some organizations offer multiple events/dates, and these items appear toward the end of the column.

December 6 at Plaza Bugambilias a photo Exhibit opened in Ajijic’s smallest gallery, the Guadalajara Reporter Newspaper office. The exhibit was  up through January 6 as part of a celebration at the mall.


Libby Townsend with photo

On December 21, CASA, the Culinary Arts Society of Ajijic, celebrated with a Christmas party at the home of Ken and Anita Caldwell. The two food categories were Botanas and Libations. In Category A, Botanas, Chris L’Ecluse won 1st place for Stuffed Dates while Wayne Palfrey took second place with a Spinach Chili Tartlet, and Alice Huston won 3rd for Stuffed Portobella Mushrooms. In Category B, Libations, Monica Malloy won 1st place for Grandpa Bobby’s Eggnog. Donna Carnall won 2nd place for an appetizing-looking Strawberry Champagne, and Mary Ann Waite took 3rd with George Bailey’s Irish Cream. People’s Choice went to Ken Caldwell for Fa-La-La Lillet Punch. A good time was had by all.

All who are interested in joining are encouraged to call Patrick Winn at 766-4842 or email He would like you as his guest.


CASA winners: Chris L’Ecluse, Wayne Palfrey and Alice Huston

The Lakeside British Society celebrated the 90th birthday of one of their members, Charles Morgan. The party was hosted by Ceri Dando, along with members of the Air Force Association of Canada, 904 Wing. Charles joined the RAF in June 1937 and served in various assignments as an armourer and later as an instructor. He was seconded to The Fleet Air Arm before being demobilized in 1946.


90th birthday of Charles Morgan, center, middle row.

January offered an exhibit at the Centro Cultural de Ajijic on the plaza. The display consisted of photos by Jill Flyer and Luis M. McCormick, both known in the US and Mexico. Paintings by Rick Present were also displayed. Look for their work at Quattro, a new gallery at Colon #9.

Jirafa (giraffe) by Jill Flyer

January 15 at Galería Dos Lunas was the opening of an art show. All of the woman multi-talented, what they create is worth viewing. Linda Richards’ art work has a soft effect. Gloria Palazzo and Judy Dykstra-Brown work with several media. And Xill Fessenden’s photography is almost a legend.

Art Opening

January 16 there were two book signings of significance. At Galería Dos Lunas, Neil McKinnon, Robert Bruce Drynan, James Tipton and Kenneth Clarke gave well-performed readings of different and interesting material, some of it quite amusing. Look for Tuckahoe Slidebottle (Neil McKinnon), Domain of the Scorpion and/or What Price Liberty (Bob Drynan), Seven Years a Mariner (Ken Clarke) and any of the books of poetry by Jim Tipton who will recite at the Lake Chapala Society Open Circle on Valentine’s Day.

Later, at La Nueva Posada, Richard Rhoda and Tony Burton signed books for their joint release of Geo-Mexico: the Geography and Dynamics of Modern Mexico, a fascinating new book with over 100 original maps & graphics covering Mexico in surprising depth. For example, did you know that Mexico’s Copper Canyon is larger than the US Grand Canyon? That Mexico is in the top 15 in population, economic size and land area? That Mexico’s renowned poverty program, Oportunidades, is being copied in New York City? This book is a “must have” reference guide.

January 20 – 22 the Sixth Annual Lake Chapala Writers Conference met at the Hotel Real de Chapala in La Floresta. The conference set new records for attendance and the participants raved about the speakers and the interaction amongst themselves. One of their challenges was a Worst Sentence Contest. Judged by Jay White, the winners were Judy Dykstra-Brown, Nina Discombe and Tom Hally.

Worst Sentence Contest: Jay White, Judge; Nina Discombe,
Judy Dykstra-Brown, Tom Hally the winners

February 13, 6 – 8 p.m., Lakeside Friends of the Animals are holding a cocktail get-together at the Billy Moon Estate by invitation only. It is a means of saying “thank you” for helping their organization speak for those who cannot speak for themselves, the animals Lakeside. Call 766 – 1170 or email

February 21, 2 – 4 p.m., Love in Action Center is hosting a Garden Party at the Center located on Pedro Moreno #76, Chapala. The cost for admission is $250 pesos and includes refreshments and cash bar, live music and dancing, a tour of the Center and a visit with the kids.


Children at the LIA Center

On February 25, 4 – 7:30 p.m., a pork roast BBQ dinner will be served at the Raquet Club for the benefit of AMSIF. Dinner will be served at 4 p.m. with the cash bar open at 3:30 p.m. The donation is $150 pesos per person. A silent auction will be part of the fun. Contact the Raquet Club office at 387-761-0129.

AMSIF stands for Asociaci?n Mexicana para Superaci?n y Integraci?n de la Familia, the Mexican Association for Improvement and Integration of the Family. It is a national group founded in Mexico City in 1973 to promote gender equity and empowerment of women and families through improved health and education. Programs are taught at 209 centers in 21 Mexican states.

On March 11 the School for the Deaf and Children with Special Needs will hold their Black and White Ball: One Thousand and One Nights. Lakeside’s most elegant formal affair will feature an Arabian theme. Guests will be greeted by an elaborately costumed Sultan, later entertainment by a belly dancer. The function will be held at the beautiful Villa Encantada Eventos in Chapala. Tickets available February 15 at $750 pesos per person. Contact Chairperson Jim Lloyd at 766-3070 or Leslie Martin at 766 – 2274. The school provides for deaf children, teaching them sign language, how to speak, do sculpture, carpentry and arts. The school provides all types of hearing aids to improve their quality of life.

Yvonne De Carlo dances to “Song for Scheherazade”

On March 19, the 10th Annual Cruz Roja Fashion Show will begin at 3 p.m. at the Hotel Real de Chapala in La Floresta. A cold buffet will be served. General admission is $400 pesos and tables for 10 will be $4,500 pesos. Sales begin February 15 at the Cruz Roja table at the Lake Chapala Society or through June Cooper (766-4939). Ten Platinum tables will go for $6,000 pesos, including drinks, special botanas, buffet and first choice (Feb. 1 – 13) of preferred table location. This is always a hot event. Make arrangements soon.

In March Los Cantantes del Lago will put on their Spring Concert on the 20th at 7 p.m. and the 21st at 4 p.m. Tickets are $200 pesos. Contact a member of Los Cantantes for tickets, or contact Jan Feise at 766 – 2691,

The American Legion post #7 schedule for February:

Feb  1 –  10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Quiche Brunch

Feb  3 – 9:30 – 1:30 a.m.  – US Consulate

Feb 6 – 4:30 p.m. – Candlelight Dinner

Feb 7, 14, 21, 28:  12 – 4 p.m. Legion Grill: burgers             

Feb 13 – 4 p.m. – Valentine’s Day Dinner Dance (pork loin, tix $85 pesos)

Feb 22 – Banderas Bay Trip

Feb 25 – 3 p.m. Lone Star

Feb 28 – 2:30 p.m. 2010 Winter Olympic Hockey Finals

Contact Barbara Prince at 765 – 3418

Commander Tom Keehnen announces the launch of the Post’s new web site: The new site contains current information on the Post, Auxiliary, day-to-day activities (card clubs, membership, Roll Call magazine, up-coming events). Contact

Dilia’s Latin Jazz received a standing ovation at The Secret Garden on January 12.

If you missed that show, there will be two more up-coming at El Bar Co on February 8. Jazz vocalist Dilia teams up with award winning Executive chef Alex Sgroi for two shows. The 5 p.m. performance includes a multi-course culinary experience. At 8:30 p.m. the show will be accompanied by hors d’ouevres and cocktails. Dilia is backed by a quartet: Ricardo Raygosa on Keyboards, Chelo on Drums, Cesar Coronat on Bass (Guitar) and Juan Pablo Hernandez on Sax and Flute. Their shows have received consistent rave reviews. Listen for dinner jazz like Contigo Aprendi, a gentle acknowledgement of how we affect and are affected by those we love.

On February 14 at the Secret Garden, Dilia and her musicians will perform a special show of romantic music. The show is an evocative evening with a chocolate fountain, dancing, champagne and roses, lit by candles that promise to rekindle romance. Call the Secret Garden quickly to reserve space for this one.

Starting January 15, the Lake Chapala Society offers an exhibition and sale at the LCS Library. The paintings and tapestries of Janice Kimball of Aztec Studios consist of 40 pieces that extend through the main offices. These are pre-hispanic designs that include images of magical serpents and fire-breathing dragons of the Aztec period, as well as elegant royal images of the Maya.

Aztec priest on top of temple, displayed at LCS

The new board at LCS has appointed Terry Vidal as LCS’s first Executive Director. The plan is for volunteer coordinators to manage the day-to-day operations with little, if any, change in services. The board will oversee the Executive Director, concentrating on establishing policy, developing long range strategic plans, and fundraising. The board seeks input from members and the community on how they can provide the best services possible.

Lakeside Little Theatre news:

LLT’s fifth show of the season is Sandy Wilson’s The Boy Friend, a new 1920’s musical directed by Allen McGill. Performances are January 16 – 24.

Rehearsals are underway for the last show of the season, Michael Cooney’s Cash On Delivery. This fun farce about a con artist, welfare fraud, and a whole lot of mistaken identity is directed by Bob Coull. Performances are April 3 – 11.

If you would like to volunteer behind the scenes, the LLT is always looking for people to train in lighting, sound, wardrobe, props, make-up, stage managing and other positions. Contact Don Chaloner at 766-1975 or email at

Playbill for The Boyfriend

The Music Appreciation Society (MAS) program:

February 9 – Three Sopranos: opera arias, duos, trios

March 23 – Two Guitarists Extraodinaire: Juanito Pazcual and Russian, Grisha Goryachev – classical style

Tickets for a single performance are $250 pesos per person. For more information, call 765 – 6409. See note re taxi service following VIVA listing at the end.

Open Circle at LCS on Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m.:

Feb 7               John Allan Fraser – Vegetating with Verve

Feb 14             Jim Tipton – poetry for Valentine’s Day

Feb 21             Barbara Schermer – Healing Through Astrology

Feb 28             Charlie Fagan – Mysticism and Religion

Mar 7               Bill Sanders

In January Todd Stong addressed the future of Lakeside infrastructure over the next 20 years. “…We need low-tech solutions … since over 50% of those who walk this earth exist on less than $2/day.” Here are some of his suggestions:

Todd Stong on preparing for our growth needs

Rainfall collection with focus on low cost storage, the best move for 1000 rural villages in Mexico where water comes only four months a year.

Slow sand filtration which provides potable water with no chemicals, easily adapted for purification of water from the lake and from shallow wells.

Waste stabilization ponds produce a product that can be used for raising fish (it consumes algae that emerge from the excess nitrogen) and then can be used to irrigate fruit/nut trees.

VIVA! La Musica’s schedule: contact Rosemary Keeling for any of these bus trips (766 – 1801) to the Jalisco Philharmonic Orchestra, and for tickets contact Marshall Krantz at 766 – 2834. Tickets are 200 pesos for members and 250 pesos for non-members.

Feb. 7 at 12:30 p.m. (matinee) – Enrique Radillo, Conductor with Jorge Federico Osorio at the piano: Concerto for piano and orchestra by Ponce; Concerto for piano and orchestra No. 2 by Liszt.

Feb. 12 at 8:30 p.m. – Enrique Radillo, Conductor with ‘Homage to Martha González de Hernández Allende’: Enrique Florez, guitar; La Huasteca by Mijangos/Castro/López/Morales, Concerto for guitar and orchestra by Bacarisse.

Feb. 19 at 8:30 p.m. – Hector Guzman, Conductor with Barbara Padilla, Soprano; Pinata by R.X. Rodriguez; The Miraculous Mandarin by Bartok; Operatic arias and Mexican songs; Huapango by Moncayo.

Taxi service for patrons of both MAS and VIVA can be arranged for after the show at or patrons may sign up at the Auditorio fifteen minutes prior to the scheduled opening. Cost will be paid by those using the taxi. You will need to provide name, number of passengers and address at the time of reservation.

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