LETTER TO THE EDITOR 3 – November 2010



mail-box-full-colorDear Sir: 

Thomas Muthee gained fame for breaking witch spells. Sarah Palin says she became governor of Alaska because Rev. Muthee prayed for her. She is one of the darlings of the Tea Party.

Sharron Angle is running for the US Senate in Nevada. Ms. Angle supports incorporating Mosaic Law into Federal Law. This would reinstitute slavery and the stoning of women who disobey their husbands, gays, and unruly children. The only amendment remaining on the Constitution would be the Second.

Speakers joining Palin, at the Tea Party rally in Nashville, TN, were Rick Scarborough (Truth Exalts America – Patriot Pastors’ Tea Party), Roy Moore (take back our land), Joseph Farah (Pray Obama Fails.), Rep. Michele Bachmann, founder of the House Teabagger Caucus, and Glenn Beck. These people want the USA turned into a Christian Theocracy controlled by Mosaic Law.

Ron Paul of Texas wants to deny citizenship to certain people born in the USA. Kentucky GOP Senate candidate Rand Paul said he would support amending the Constitution to deny automatic citizenship to children born in the United States. Rand Paul said, “I have a Tea Party mandate.”

Any person or party is judged by the company they keep. These are only some of the kooks the Tea Party endorses. What does this say about the Tea Party?

The mantra of the Tea Party is the return to “Constitutional Principles.” One of the main Constitutional Principles is “no god.” Very few of the Founders believed in any of the Middle Eastern gods. The Christian god was deliberately excluded from the Constitution. There was no god on the money or part of the National Motto. “IN GOD WE TRUST” was not in the Nation’s Capitol.

James Madison, “The establishment of the chaplainship to Congress is a palpable violation of equal rights, as well as of Constitutional principles . . . Better also to disarm in the same way, the precedent of Chaplainships for the army and navy, than erect them into a political authority in matters of religion.”

Tea Partiers, please work to return the US to Constitutional Principles. Get god and religion out of the government!

Hank Shiver


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Ojo Del Lago
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