Day Dreamers

Day Dreamers

By Robojobo


barra-tripThese are my Tres Amigos in Jalisco. The little guy in the middle is Pancho. He steals the refresco out of my hands whenever I’m not paying attention. They hang out on the street outside of the market which the smallest girl’s family owns. She dances in front of the mirror for a living. The other girl’s occupation seems to be whatever the other two are involved in at the time. Freelance Fun-Haver, I suppose.

I am always reminiscent and elated when I see kids in Mexico playing the way I did in my own neighborhood, with my large family, and all the other kids from the hood, back in the day when I was raising hell. Mexican kids are allowed so much freedom, to just run about and explore their surroundings.

Some of the fondest memories I have are of taking long, completely unfamiliar paths home from school, and turning what was a twenty minute walk down the road, into a two hour hike through the forest. I never told my parents I was intending to do this, simply because I didn’t know I was going to do it myself. I had no plan. The ability to be spontaneous towards living can at times be overshadowed day to day, self-imposed rituals of being an (for lack of another term) ADULT. I personally rarely suffer from this malady. Perhaps this may explain my rather embarrassing financial situation.

We all tend to behave much differently when we believe no one is watching us, and speaking for myself (because I’m the only one that can) possess the ability to behave quite the fool. Downright moronic in my case.This is true in children as well, on an even larger scale. Children still flourish in the malfeasance of make-believe. In the absence of adult intervention, to just be allowed to wander aimlessly and daydream,

(A privilege yours truly took advantage of almost daily) is paramount to a healthy and de rigueur; component of our psychological makeup. Although if you were to utilize myself as a relative, persuasive tool for that argument I’m not entirely sure you could draw that conclusion.

Albert Einstein was a great believer in the power of day dreaming, and thought that most breakthrough revelations in the formation of science, and ideologies, were the direct result of an uncluttered mind…. A.K.A. Daydreaming—by his own account the “Theory of Relativity” being high among them.

Richard Branson has told a story of being five years old when his mother was walking him home from school one day, and she stopped at the top of a hill about two miles from their home. She pointed to their house and asked the young boy if he could see it. When Richard replied that he could, she told him that she had to go back into town for errands (an obvious stretch of the truth) and that she knew that if he believed in himself he could find his way home. (A brave undertaking for a mother indeed, as well as for a five year old.) He found his way home through wheat fields and pastures, and the event changed his life. He understood he could.

So let your kids play, let them stare at bugs for an hour or so, let them dance in front of mirrors, and who knows, maybe we’ll get some more Einstein’s and Branson’s, and whatever else daydreaming might conjure up, in the bargain.

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