Lakeside Living – August 2012


Barbara Clippinger

August 2012

Evidence shows that London has ‘fired the first volley” hosting its prestigious 2012 position with the iconic “rings of champions” which officially opened the Summer Olympic Games on July 27. Our State of Jalisco was well represented on different rosters in which Jaliscans excels. Jalisco confirmed that it dominates the roster with sportsmen/women in a list of 100 athletes.  It is time to bring home the gold, silver, or bronze from winning streaks of our amazingly talented athletes. In past Olympiads, Mexico has been lethargic in showing our skills against other great countries of the world…BUT…Mexico has now stepped up to meet the challenge.  Although it is too early at this point, major wins are certainly expected in almost every category in which Mexico is represented. VIVA, our sports people from JALISCO and MEXICO.


A huge treat is in store for you during the August “Naked Stage Reader’s Theatre” presentation. The selection is “Picasso At the Lapin Agile”, written by film actor Steve Martin. The play tells us about Pablo Picasso and Albert Einstein who meet in a bar called Lapin Agile, in Paris’ section of Mommarte, in 1904. Both men are on the verge of amazing ideas. Einstein will publish: The Theory of Relativity and Picasso will paint: Los Demoiselles d’Aignon. They have an extended debate about the values of genius vs talent while inter-acting with a host of other characters. LLT’s popular and talented Russell Mack is directing  the play for Naked Stage, scheduled to run August 24, 25,  and 26th, 2012. This time reservations will be a must, and can be reserved by calling Ann Pinkerton at 766-5986. This is a genuine showcase of talents.



Now: speaking of other local talents: Gifted Ed Tasca isn’t just blessed with acting abilities as demonstrated several times at LLT and recently in PV’s staging of FDR. He rises even higher as a whiz with humor, having recently won the Robert Benchley Humor Award, the most prestigious award of its kind in the USA. Ed is a regular writer of humor for OJO (latest being How to Find a Good Doctor), AND is just now releasing his newest book to the public: God’s Creatures….or Darwins? Sr. Ed, himself, says, “Humor? I’ve been told by people who like to tease me about my nose, it’s often filled with fundamental wisdom. So I’ve taken it upon myself to put the issues of creationism and evolutionary theory in the mouths of some of our great comic geniuses (26 in all) and see what happens. I thought it might help us put the whole subject to rest, or throw it open for a really fresh airing. Either way, it might be good for a few laughs. I have, with the greatest of respect to each and every humorist and comic I’ve impersonated, provided my own versions of how I believe these past and current jesters might have presented their thoughts on the creationism-evolution controversy.” 



This time you deserved to put airlines in their places. Canadian and USA airlines have finally accepted the challenge and agreed to allow their traveling customers from here to bring their beloved pets with them when flying into and out of both countries. European and Asian nations will follow this victory soon.  South America, already in place, was never in the squabble anyway.   WE WON, BY GOLLY!



Speaking of our furry friends, there is a new Animal Shelter opening east of the old Train Station on the way to Santa Cruz.  If you will seek out and read the Guadalajara Reporter of four weeks ago, excellent directions and details are given thanks to Michael Forbes, owner of the Reporter.

The Lakeside Little Theater  is holding auditions for “I’ll Be Back Before Midnight, by Canadian playwright,  Peter Colley. This play has been done in 29 countries, 48 of the 50 USA states, and every Province in Canada .  If you love a good ghost story you won’t want to miss this thrilling comic mystery…’s fresh, dark, and twisted. The NY Times said “It’s A Chilling Evening Down at the Farm.”   Roseanne Wilshere will  direct and is looking for 2 men and 2 women (a  husband, a farmer, a wife,  and a sister).  Auditions will be held at the theatre at 10am August 10th and 11th. Watch for LLT’s season roster of plays in the September, Lakeside Living.


 The Culinary Art Society of Ajijic (CASA) has continued with cooking delights of some of Lakeside’s best cooks. They have had contests, one a month, for 26 years or 312 sterling contests delivering the best the village can possibly offer.  Recently, President Pat Carroll, presented Geoffrey Kaye (Animal Shelter) with a plaque thanking him for his donation to CASA for the Auction dinner which was auctioned for another splendid organization, Ninos Incapacitados. CASA will hold its 5th annual picnic at La Iguana De Piedra on Labor Day, Sept. 3rd. at 1 p.m. CASA continues to be one of the most dedicated and active groups known at Lakeside. If any information is needed, call Pat Carroll:  766-3144.

 The 4th of July celebration at Chapala’s, American Legion Post #7, was a huge success! Everyone got to meet Kerry Brougham, Consular Chief of the U.S. Consulate in Guadalajara.    Post 7’s indefatigable Victoria Schmidt, (her neck in a brace and her arm in a sling) proved a real trooper when hitting the dance floor with local writer/poet and Lakeside’s Poet Laureate, James Tipton. By the way, International Legion Commander Fang Wong recently presented to Victoria Schmidt a medallion for her services to the Chapala Legion Post #7.  The Commander selects one individual from each of the 53 world-wide districts to honor.



Cruz Roja Hawaiian Luau:  August 25 at the American Legion in Chapala.   Dust off your flashy aloha shirts and mumus.  Cruz Roja is putting on another fun fundraising events starting at 4 – 5 p.m. with a cash bar. Entertainment is by a Tahitian dance group from Guadalajara. A roast pig dinner is served beginning at 5 p.m. Dinner includes the pig along with a fruit stuffing, grilled pineapples, baked sweet potatoes, green beans and mango ice cream for dessert. Hal Kaluhiokalani Matthews is providing music during dinner.  The cost is only 300 pesos per person.  All profits go to supporting the Chapala Cruz Roja Clinic and Ambulance Service.  Luau tickets go on sale beginning Monday, July 30 at the Cruz Roja Table at LCS  as well as the Chapala American Legion.   For further information, please call 765-5610 or email



A note from that lovely and sympathetic continent/island: Australia!  The following dialogue from the Australian Tourism Website was discovered by Lakesider, John Ward, while inquiring about traveling through Australia.  “We are so great we even name our rocks here (Ayers Rock) if they are enormously over-grown pebbles.” When asked by a USAer, Will I be able to see kangaroos in the street?  A thoughtful answer was: Depends how much you’ve been drinking.”   Another question, this time by a another USAer,  “Which direction is north in Australia?  Fatigued, but snappy, Face south and then turn 180 degrees. Contact us when you get here, and we’ll send the rest of the directions.”



Good Neighbors. There are still humanitarians in our midst. John Jones discovered his wallet missing after shopping spree  on a Saturday afternoon near the SuperLake area. He posted signs, made all the right calls: NOTHING!   By Sunday night he lost heart. However, Monday morning a static phone call came through in broken English/Spanish using the world licensia!  Twenty minutes later, the doorbell rang. Two men were at John’s door:  one was a cab driver, and the other was the little blind man, Luis,  who sits outside SuperLake wearing dark glasses and a sign that reads:  “It’s A Beautiful Day, But I Can’t See It.” John said, “He held my wallet out to me. Someone, he said, had dropped it into his lap. He asked only for the taxi fare. Needless to say, I offered much more. I had, along with many hundreds of people, passed so often without ever seeing him. Luis is a man worthy of being visible to us all.” 

On the flip side of the coin, Norberto Mejia, the amiable and courageous cripple who can almost always be found on his little platform on wheels outside Bugambillas Plaza, was recently given a brand-new motorized wheelchair by Lakeside philanthropist Jerry D. Fields. Jerry is from Texas, and his generosity does his home-state proud.

The Brown Recluse Spider-Avoid any and all contact with the BROWN RECLUSE SPIDER. It is rumored that two people have been bitten by this spider in the Lake Chapala area. This spider has a venomous bite and there is no medication available at Lakeside at this time. Brown recluse spiders are usually between 6–20 mm (1?4 in and 3?4 in). Typically, they are light to medium brown. They live about 2 years and are very resilient. They can live with little water and food for over six months. They are rarely aggressive and bite only when they come in contact, often when the victims uses towels, clothes, bedding, work gloves, etc. that have been unused and left untouched for awhile. Their bite is very serious. Symptoms can include inflammations, vomiting, fever, rash, muscle and joint pain. The bite can result in an ulcer that destroys the soft skin around the bite and rots to the bone, leaving a deep scar. What to do if you’ve been bitten? Seek prompt medical care and bring the spider with you, if possible. Put Ice and aloe vera on the area until you reach your doctor.  Antihistimins and anti-venom have proven helpful.




Surrounded by a tropical landscape everywhere we turn, it’ s natural that so many Lakeside groups have evolved celebrating the joy of gardening in all its forms: grower groups, an orchid club, garden club, and our Lakeside Garden Guild. This year’s Guild activities are headed by President Stacy Girton,  supported by her board officers Mary Bragg, VP, Carmen Bentivoglio, Treasurer, Barb Corol, Recording Secretary and Jan Quarton, Corresponding Secretary.



Other guest presenters this year included professional florist Carroll Knutsen sharing arrangement secrets and tips, Laura Ortiz Calderon from the local Garden Center on garden pests, and Ajijic resident and floral expert Herbert Piekow, demonstrating contemporary Japanese Ikebana techniques. 




November heralds the much-anticipated annual floral show, a showcase of each member’s creativity, this year theme is “Designer’s Choice.” In addition to field trips to Guadalajara gardening clubs and the city’s floral market, several members have traveled to attend spring floral shows in Keukenhof, The Netherlands and the 5th Annual Blooms Festival in Dublin, Ireland.




The Lakeside Garden Guild created and maintains the website as a public service. This year’s special community project will be decorating miniature holiday trees and delivering them to local shut-ins and convalescent residences. A listing of English-Spanish terms for gardeners is also available for reference, as well as a variety of gardening links. Renee Kaye Campo, 766-4510 or Las Vegas # 702-505-9045 (rings on my desk)


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