Letter to the Editor
Dear Sir:
One would think that individuals who have the courage to leave their homeland and settle in a foreign country would possess a tolerance of ideology and customs different from their own. Generally, that is true that Lakeside; but the slamming of the door is never louder here than when opposing political views are shared in person or in print. Freedom of speech and opinion seems to be more applicable to the Liberal thinker here. Any topic bordering on conservative thought is often met with disrespectful responses, satirical essays and personal attacks.
Lately, Paul Jackson’s “Thunder on the Right” monthly column in El Ojo del Lago has received increased nasty hits from hypocritical, intolerant espousers of personal freedoms. Although my husband and I lean more to Libertarian than Right-Wing Conservative values, we find Paul Jackson’s well-written, thought-provoking exposés refreshing. I look forward to reading Paul’s conservative take on the difficult issues facing the US and his views on how liberal ideology negatively affects its image. In this town, if you don’t profess liberal philosophy, it can get pretty lonely. Paul’s articles fill that void.
Kudos to El Ojo Editor, Alejandro Grattan, who has provided a fair and balanced approach to both sides of US political battles, by including Paul Jackson’s monthly column in this publication. For you Fox News Haters, the ‘fair and balanced’ reference is purely coincidental.
It is a sad commentary about this community when the scariest thing about writing a ‘Letter to the Editor’ is signing it. So Paul Jackson and Alejandro Grattan, this signature is for both of you; to Paul in support of his willingness to share an alternative political opinion with the readers of El Ojo and to Mr. Grattan for having the ‘chutzpah’ to print it.
Carol Bowman and Ernie Sowers
- January 2025 – Issue - December 30, 2024
- January 2025 – Articles - December 27, 2024
- January 2025 - December 27, 2024