Centro Educativo Jaltepec Special Events

Centro Educativo Jaltepec Special Eventslogo jaltepec

By Carole & Terry Baker



This year was very special as it is the 50th Anniversary of the founding of Centro Educativo Jaltepecthe Technical University for Hoteleria and Hospitality. The elaborate festivities were held at Jaltepec on Sunday February 10th in perfect weather. Hundreds of people came to celebrate a special outdoor Mass in a beautiful flower filled tent overlooking the lake with the beloved Virgin of Zapopan front and centre. José Francisco Robles Ortega, the Cardinal of Jalisco led the Mass with the Jaltepec students participating with great self-confidence in responses, readings, music and song.

The students then served an elegant lunch for 400 VIP guests which consisted of the major supporters of Jaltepec – the Foundation Group in México City and Guadalajara and Alumni who travelled from all over the USA and Mexico as well as a large contingent from the local community. A special moment occurred when Lulu, a graduate who is currently the Hospitality Manager of the Dodgers Stadium in Los Angeles, came to say thank you for helping girls like her achieve success and go beyond their wildest dreams!

The Open House for the local community interested in learning more about Jaltepec, took place on Tuesday, February 19th. There were ten young women who required scholarships in order to complete their studies. Much of the sponsorship money for one young student was contributed in memory of Mary Lu Saavedra, who supported the scholarship program with the DAR for many years.

Q2 Cinthia Carole Libby Ball


Cinthia Martinez (left) accompanied by Carole Baker, Assistant Community Facilitator, received a DAR scholarship presented by Libby Ball (right) a member of Mexico City’s John Edwards DAR Chapter.

Another very special sponsor, who presently resides in Florida has been keeping in touch with Jaltepec through our Quarterly Newsletter. HR recently contacted Linda, and two students will be blessed with a full scholarship thanks to a very generous donation given as a Memorial for his wife Barbara Urquhart Thornton.

Q2 Staff and students Jaltepec


For more information about Lake Chapala visit: www.chapala.com

Ojo Del Lago
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