Don Beaudreau
Email: wbeaudreau@aol.com
From the Lakeside Living Editor: Please note that deadline for submission of notices about a local cultural, civic, or charitable event is the first day of the month, an entire month BEFORE the article can appear in El Ojo Del Lago. Appropriate notices should include the name of the event, its location, date(s), time, and cost (if applicable). Please include a high-resolution photo if possible. But no lengthy articles, please! Send such information to me directly at wbeaudreau@aol.com Thank you. Don Beaudreau
Subscribe by going to: francis.dryden@gmail.com
“This is an absolute must for anyone at Lakeside wanting to be in the know concerning weekly events of a musical or dramatic nature.” Don Beaudreau
Your attention is called to Francis Dryden’s superlative website (Keep it Live at Lakeside!) which has for many years been the gateway to information about musical and theatrical events here at Lakeside. Here you will find weekly listings of what’s happening around town. Through this website, you can reach information as it appears on four major sites. Here is the info:
The Cordero’s site at www.bestoflakechapala.com and you’ll find Francis Dryden’s logo by just scrolling down a bit on the right (on a cell go right to the bottom).
Chuck Bolotin’s site at www.bestmexicomovers.com and look under Living in Mexico on the menu and then Lakeside Happenings in the drop down and then download.
And you can go to Francis Dryden’s wife’s web site at www.AnastasiaBoyd.com and click on Entertainment at the top of the page and scroll down until you see the box marked click here for event calendar.
Rich Birkett has all back issues of Keep It Live at Lakeside! to January 2019 archived on his great site which is at www.lakechapalaguide.com. Just click on Entertainment in the upper left, scroll down a little to Keep it LIVE at Lakeside! and click on that.
Location: Garden of Dreams, Constitucion 105, Ajijic
Date: Saturday, September 21, 2024
Time: 10am – 3 pm
Cost: Free and open to the public

Lakeside’s new artist organization, Artists of Lake Chapala, is pleased to announce our first Art Market! Local artists will be displaying and selling their original artwork in a variety of media.
We are in the process of forming a new group to serve the arts communities around Lake Chapala, Mexico.
These are our goals:
To promote artists who work in visual, performing, literary arts and other varied forms in a wide range of media.
Provide opportunities for artists to showcase and sell their work.
Foster a supportive environment for artists and patrons of the arts to have positive experiences and learning opportunities with one another.
To foster cultural exchange between Mexican and foreign artists in the Lake Chapala communities.
Support local arts efforts as individuals and collectively.
For more information contact artistsoflakechapala.org
Celebrating Our 60th Season
Season ticket renewals are being managed now and will go on sale to the general public on August 1. Individual show tickets can be purchased starting in September. See the Lakeside Little Theatre website for further details and ticket information: lakesidelittletheatre.com.
Our plays on the Main Stage this season include:


ANOTHER HOME INVASION by Joan Macleod, directed by Kenn Gass at the BARE STAGE, Friday September 28, Saturday, September 29, and Sunday September 30. All shows are at 4:00 p.m. Tickets are $200 pesos. RESERVE NOW at barestagetheatre2018@gmail.com
“Our home is our castle,” as the saying goes: our shelter from the intrusion of the weather and other outside influences; our defense against physical and mental threats real and imagined to our private space; a harbor of our secrets and fears; a refuge to our children and family.
All this and more is the subject of Joan MacLeod’s perceptively poignant play, Another Home Invasion, where “another” carries both its meanings: something commonplace; and something of an entirely different kind and nature. Who then are the real perpetrators of the heartless betrayal of the elderly couple who lives here: who is it that’s robbing them of their possessions, their security, their relationship, their family—their home? The answers to these questions are as surprising as they are unsettling.
Show dates are Friday, Sept. 27th, Saturday, Sept. 28th and Sunday, Sept. 29th. All shows are at 4:00 p.m. Tickets are $200 pesos. RESERVE NOW at barestagetheatre2018@gmail.com
Our new location: Saint Andrew’s, 19 San Lucas, one block down from the Catholic Church on the lake side of the Carretera in Riberas del Pilar. Look for directional signs. Handicapped parking is available out front and there’s a lot across the street. Our theatre is a scent free location.
Door and Bar opens at 3:00 pm. All bar proceeds go to Operation Feed. Seats are held till 3:50 pm. Please Like, Follow & Share our Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/barestagetheatre2018/ BUT PLEASE RESERVE using our gmail address above.
Lakeside’s Community Choir
Ken Turner, Choir Director

Here is a message from our choir services contact, Sheree Nuncio:
We hope you have had a wonderful summer so far and that you will continue to enjoy our wonderful weather in Ajijic. It did finally arrive – after our concerts. But Las Voces is beginning to think seriously about our Winter Concert. Remember that the dates for those concerts are December 12, 13, and 14 and rehearsals will begin on Tuesday, September 17th.
If you have ever sung with Las Voces del Lago, you do not need to audition again in order to join the choir. But you do need to let Ken Turner know that you are planning to sing in the Winter Concert. He is now gathering that information so make sure that you send him an email at kenturnertenor@gmail.com telling him that you will be a member of the choir for the Winter Concert. This will help him when he does conduct auditions for the season. The final date for letting Ken know that you will be singing is September 10th. So check your schedules for this fall and notify Ken as soon as possible. Rehearsals for the Las Voces choir are on Tuesdays from 2:00 to 4:00 at the Lakeside Presbyterian Church in Riberas.
If, as a member of the Las Voces choir you also wish to sing with Nova Lux, the small chamber ensemble within the larger choir, then you will have to audition. Auditions will take place on September 3 and 4 from 10:00 to 1:00 at the Lakeside Presbyterian Church. Please contact Ken Turner to make an appointment for your audition. Nova Lux always conducts auditions for each season. If chosen for Nova Lux, rehearsals for the ensemble are on Thursdays from 2:00 to 4:00 at the church.
If you know of anyone who wishes to join Las Voces del Lago for the first time, please let them know that auditions for new singers will also be on September 3 and 4 from 10:00 to 1:00 and they must contact Ken to set up an appointment.

The Lake Chapala Society hosts Open Circle every Sunday at 10:30am. This community gathering in Ajijic presents a wide range of topics. Entrance is by the side gate on Ramón Corona, opening at 9:30am. Check the website for upcoming topics, and make your reservation. If you missed a past presentation, you can catch it online at: https://opencircleajijic.org/
This Month’s Presentations:
September 1: Speaker Armando Garcia-Davila presents “Inside the Walls of San Quentin Penitentiary, a Volunteer Perspective”
September 8: Speaker Lillie Henley presents “Families: Systems and Self-differentiation”
September 15: LIVE PERFORMANCE: “Los Ninos Zapateados de Jalisco/Son de Mexico Children’s Dance Troupe”
September 22: Speaker: SPECIAL PANEL DISCUSSION “World Peace Day and its Applications for Multicultural Lakeside Living”
September 29: Speaker: Lake Chapala Society incoming President “Q & A”
The brand-new BRAVO! Theatre is thrilled to kick of its 2024/2025 season with the hilarious and heartwarming comedy LOVE, LOSS AND WHAT I WORE.
A joyous and often poignant collection of stories about women, it covers all the important subjects – mothers, prom dresses, mothers, buying bras, mothers, hating purses, and why we wear black. Performed with a cast of six women portraying almost 30 characters, LOVE, LOSS AND WHAT I WORE tells the stories of the pivotal moments in their lives framed through the lens of the clothing they wore.
Based on thebest-selling book by Ilene Beckerman and written by comedy geniuses Nora Ephron (Sleepless In Seattle, When Harry Met Sally) and Delia Ephron (You’ve Got Mail, Julie and Julia), LOVE, LOSS AND WHAT I WORE has drawn rave reviews and enthusiastic crowds everywhere it has been performed all over the world, proving that a great show is always in fashion.
Suki O’Brien directs the superb cast which includes Lynn Gustadt, Pamela Johnson, Christine L’Ecluse, Debra Felix and Patteye Simpson pictured below, left to right. Jayme Littlejohn is not pictured.

Show dates are Friday, September 20 at 7:30pm, and Saturday, September 21 & Sunday, September 22 at 4pm. Tickets are $250 pesos. RESERVE NOW by email at tickets@thebravo.org.
Once you have your tickets, the only question will be “What to wear?”
The BRAVO! Theatre is located at 441 Hidalgo in Riberas Del Pilar, just west of S&S Auto. Doors open one hour before showtime, so come early to mingle and enjoy a drink in our bar and lounge.
Please Like, Follow & Share our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/TheBRAVOTheatre
ALL U.S. Citizens: It’s September, so now is the time to Vote in 2024 Elections.
Do it in September and avoid complications in October!
Step 1: REQUEST Your Ballot at www.VoteFromAbroad.org by September 12 at latest—if you haven’t already done so earlier in 2024. This allows you to receive your ballot by email around September 21.
Step 2: RETURN Your Ballot by September 30 following the instructions provided. Strongly recommend timing! Especially if you must return your ballot by mail, allow extra time when voting from Mexico.
Need help requesting and returning your ballots?
Come to the Lake Chapala Society (LCS) for our Personal Voting Assistance events on Mondays, September 2, 9, 23 and 30.
Plus Tuesday, Sept. 17 due to LCS holiday closure.
All days at LCS from 10 am–1 pm.
We will also be available extra days at LCS the week of September 23. For details, visit: https://shorturl.at/oTwCE
The experienced, government-certified Vote From Abroad team looks forward to helping you!
Questions? Email VoteLakeChapala@gmail.com
FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6and 7, 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm

This special event hosted by Emmanuel’s Experience presents a dinner created and prepared by our talented students with the aim of raising $50,000 MX for our Kitchen Laboratory.
Centro Educativo Jaltepec is the only Technical University in Hotel and Hospitality Management in Mexico.
Make your reservations by calling Emmanuel’s Experience at 33 2041 7968.
- I’M 80! - January 29, 2025
- A Myth For Our Time - December 26, 2024
- A Holiday Meditation 2024 - November 30, 2024